pain from past injuries flared up, I took painkillers. When my menstrual cramps became unbearable, I took Aleve and suffered through. Lying on a cold bathroom floor, crying, vomiting, sweating, and gasping for air became routine.
But I assumed this was normal. Everyone had something, and pills were the answer.
Dr. Bonnie (far right) having dinner with a colleague and two Korean students learning English. Pohang, South Korea 1999.
I dismissed it as stress from adjusting to a new country. Then came food sensitivities. Certain meals left me gasping for air, but I shrugged it off. It was frustrating, but manageable.
Then, while visiting a friend on a remote island in the Philippines, I had to take an antimalarial drug. That’s when my body spiraled.
One night, an invisible force crushed my chest—I couldn’t breathe. Desperate, I stumbled to the freezer and stuck my face inside, the icy air forcing my lungs to work again. The next morning, my friend casually mentioned that others had bad reactions to the drug. Some just stopped taking it. I thought it would leave my system over time.
I was wrong.
Then came the pain. A deep, gnawing ache spread through my joints, intensifying each year. I exercised but needed three days to recover from one session. Painkillers barely helped.
By 35, I was infertile, struggling to sleep, and surviving on coffee to wake up and wine to calm down. Doctors had no answers. I was told I was “fine.” One specialist dismissed me entirely: “There’s nothing wrong with you. I’m referring you to a psychiatrist.”
That was my breaking point.
I had spent my whole life trusting experts. Now, I realized I had to trust myself. If no one could help me, I would find the answers myself. One sleepless night in the middle of my suffering, I cried out to God— "Take me home or help me figure this out."
People saw a healthy, fit woman. They couldn't comprehend the pain.
Dr. Bonnie looking healthy, fit and happy. Behind the scenes, she was in significant pain.
It took ten years to feel better than my peers and another ten to fully reclaim my health.And then, in 2020, I realized. My suffering had ended. And I knew why. And I knew how. And I would do whatever I needed to in order to never go back.